Mactech 2017 Mactech presents the future of manufacturing technology in the Middle East and brings together buyers, sellers and end users to interact and collaborate. Various ranges of latest machineries is [...]
EADS The Egyptian Association of Dental Students (EADS) is a scientific organization, which represents the dental students in The Egyptian Dental Schools (24 Dental School). [...]
APPX Zuweil City Event
APPX IEEE Zewail City Student Branch organized an event discussing wearable technology and how it is now a tangible reality. The event, titled “AppX: From Humans to Cyborgs”, According to Mohamed Elsayed, [...]
Maker Faire Event
Maker Faire Egypt Maker Faire is a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker Movement. It’s a place where people show what they are making, and share [...]
3D Printing News